Person on phone in office

Contacts for Business Finance customers

Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm (closed Bank Holidays).

02 and 03 numbers are charged at standard call rates and included in most mobile and landline operators inclusive minute packages.

Business Finance contact information

If you’ve got a question about your agreement with us, you can submit your query using our online request form:

Alternatively, you can call the team on: 0118 955 6690

Option 1 - Settlement quotes, in-life and general queries on existing agreements

Option 2 - End of term queries

New customers

If you don’t have an Asset Finance intermediary, request a call back from one of our experts

Existing customers

If you've got a question about your facility with us, you can call the team on: 0161 238 5034

New customers

Call the team on 0161 2385006 or request a call back

New customers:

Call the team on: 0333 920 6877

Email us at:

We aim to get back to you within two business days.

Existing customers:

Call the team on: 0161 238 5004