Ways to pay
If you don’t have a direct debit set up with us already, or if you’ve changed the bank account you want to pay your mortgage from then you’ll need to set up a new Direct Debit. Call us on 0333 321 1000 or fill in the Direct Debit form and post it back to us straight away. Information on where to send it is in the form.
You can also pay via online banking to:
Aldermore Bank, Account Number 90261971, Sort Code; 20-19-90.
You’ll need to include your mortgage account number as the reference. We’ll then be able to allocate the payment to your account quickly. You could also set up a standing order to this Aldermore account so your payments are made automatically from your bank each month.
Commercial mortgages customer should use:
Account Number 13707563 Sort Code; 20-19-90
If you don’t have a direct debit set up with us already, or if you’ve changed the bank account you want to pay your mortgage from then you’ll need to set up a new Direct Debit. Call us on 0333 321 1000 or fill in the Direct Debit form and post it back to us straight away. Information on where to send it is in the form.
You can also pay via online banking to:
Aldermore Bank, Account Number 90261971, Sort Code; 20-19-90.
You’ll need to include your mortgage account number as the reference. We’ll then be able to allocate the payment to your account quickly. You could also set up a standing order to this Aldermore account so your payments are made automatically from your bank each month.
Commercial mortgages customer should use:
Account Number 13707563 Sort Code; 20-19-90