New customers

Please make sure you have read the Fixed Rate Account Summary Box and Business Savings Terms and Conditions

Existing customers

Log in to open a new account.

What is the interest rate?

Interest rate (AER*)


Gross monthly interest


Gross annual interest


Minimum opening balance



6 months

*AER stands for annual equivalent rate and illustrates the interest rate if it was paid and compounded once each year.

We calculate interest daily, and pay it monthly or at maturity. You can choose to have your interest paid to this account or your linked current bank or building society account.

Product summary

No, the interest rate is fixed and we won't change it during the term.

Deposit at account opening Balance at end of term Interest earned
£1,000.00 £1,020.24 £20.24
£75,000.00 £76,518.33 £1,518.33

These examples don't take your individual circumstances into account. They assume that you don't make any more deposits or withdrawals, that you earn annual interest and we pay it to this account annually.

If you choose the monthly interest option and pay it into another account, the total amount of interest you'll earn will be less as we won't compound the interest.

  • Your business must be UK-based
  • All your directors and significant owners of your business must be aged 18 or over, resident in the UK and only tax resident in the UK
  • We don't accept client money nor provide accounts to be held in trust
  • Your business owners can't be US citizens
  • You can open and manage your account online
  • You can give us your account instructions through our online banking, secure message, telephone or post
  • You'll need a minimum deposit of £1000 to open this account
  • The maximum balance you can hold in this account is £1,000,000
  • If you change your mind within 14 days of opening your account you can close your account without penalty or notice
  • No, this is a fixed rate and term account so you can't withdraw, transfer out or close your account before the maturity date
  • In exceptional circumstances we may allow you to make an early withdrawal or close your account before the maturity date. We're not obliged to do this and you'll need to send us evidence of your circumstances. If we do allow you to withdraw from or close your account early, we may deduct 90 days' interest.
  • We'll let you know 21 days before your account matures by sending you an email and SMS
  • We'll explain your options and you'll be able to give us your maturity instruction
  • If you haven't let us have your maturity option we'll send you another reminder by email and SMS about 14 days prior to your account maturing
  • If you don't confirm your maturity instructions before we process your maturity then we'll put your money into another fixed rate account of the same term or similar term
  • We'll pay interest gross without deducting income tax
  • AER stands for annual equivalent rate and illustrates the interest rate if it was paid and compounded once each year


You need to be a limited or unlimited company (we don’t provide accounts for limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, partnership, sole trader, clubs, societies or charities).

To be eligible to open a Business Saving account, the controlling person and all significant owners need to be resident in the UK, over 18 years of age and only tax resident in the UK. Our accounts cannot be held by US Persons.

Your business needs to be based in the UK, only tax resident in the UK and have no trustees or accounts held in trust.

Please make sure you have internet access, because all of our business savings accounts are online accounts and are opened and managed online.

People in meeting

Fixed rate business savings accounts FAQs

To open a business account with us you must be:

  • A limited or unlimited company (we don’t provide accounts for limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, partnership, sole trader, clubs, societies or charities) ​
  • A business that is only tax resident in the UK
  • Over 18 years of age, UK resident and only tax resident in the UK - this applies to all controlling persons, significant owners and directors
  • You can't be a US citizen
  • You need to own a mobile phone and have an email account

When you apply to open an Aldermore account you must give us details of a current account in your business’s name. We call this your linked nominated account. Your business current account provider must be a UK bank or building society, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Your business current account must allow electronic transfers to be made and received, and we may ask you to send us a bank statement to confirm your account details.

There are certain types of bank account that we can’t accept as your linked nominated account, as they aren’t fully licensed and regulated. These include accounts held with e-money providers.

We can't accept client money or hold accounts in trust.

We need to check your identity and address before we can open an account for you. This will mostly be done electronically, but we may need you to send some identification to us.

If we ask you to provide identification documents, we'll include details about how to do this when we get in touch.

You can make payments from your linked nominated account, using one of the following options:

  • Faster payments
  • BACS
  • Standing order

We don't accept cheque or banker's draft payments.

Please don’t send any money until we’ve confirmed that your account is open, as we won’t be able to allocate it to your account and it may be returned.

These are the details you'll need when making a deposit:

Account number: Your Aldermore business savings account number (you can find this 8 digit number on the first screen of internet banking listed under accounts)

Our sort code: 23-33-43

Beneficiary name: Your business name

Payment reference: You can choose your own, although we suggest Aldermore Business Savings.

If you have an existing Aldermore business savings account that allows transfers, you can also move money to your new account.

Log into internet banking and select ‘Move Money’ on the menu bar.

For Fixed Rate accounts you have 14 days to make your first payment to benefit from the rate guarantee.

When you open an account with us you set the frequency that we pay your interest to monthly, annually or at maturity. You can't change this once the account’s opened.

At account opening you can also choose to have your interest paid to the account, your linked nominated bank account or your Easy Access Account if you have one. You can change where the interest goes at any time in internet banking.

We calculate interest daily on your cleared account balance.

No, we don't apply any fees or charges for standard account services. We may charge you for any exceptional, non-standard services which are available on a discretionary basis.

Once you reach the ‘Create a login’ screen, you'll be able to return and complete it at any time.​

From here, you'll receive an email from us, which will contain a unique link that'll allow you to create a password and register your phone number for the two factor authenticator. You’ll then be able to return to your application.​

Please note: You have 24 hours from receipt of the email to click the unique link to create your account.

If you don't receive this email, please check your junk folder. It may also mean that you've not quite given us the information we need to register your account. If the email isn't in your inbox or junk folder, please give us a call on 01733 821 321 and we'll be happy to help. We're open between 8am-6pm on business days.​​