ISA help

Thinking about moving your ISA to Aldermore? You’re in the right place! You can transfer some or all of your existing ISA balance from another provider when applying for your Aldermore Cash ISA. Here’s what you need to know:

Aldermore Notice Cash ISA, Easy Access Cash ISA and Reward Cash ISA:

You can transfer funds from another ISA provider at any time.

  • If your current Cash ISA provider supports electronic transfers, that’s the quickest option!
  • If not, just fill out a Cash ISA or Stocks and Shares ISA Transfer Form for each ISA you want to move and send it back to us.

Aldermore Fixed Rate Cash ISA:

You can make unlimited deposits into your account during the first 14 calendar days.

  • After this 14-day period, no additional deposits can be made to the account.
  • If you want to transfer another ISA, you’ll need to open a new Fixed Rate Cash ISA for each transfer.

Help to Buy: ISA:

This product is no longer available for new applications, but existing account holders, can transfer funds from an existing Cash ISA or Stocks and Shares ISA.

  • Please note the maximum you can add is £200 per calendar month.

Important Note: Transferring into a Cash ISA may take up to 15 working days, while transferring a Stocks and Shares ISA can take up to 26 working days.

If you’d like to transfer your Aldermore Cash ISA to a new provider, it’s easy!

Simply ask your new provider to send us the ISA Transfer Request Form or their instructions electronically.

You’ll need to provide them with your Aldermore ISA account number as the roll/reference number—no sort code is required.